On Sun, 15 Oct 2017 18:36:56 -0700 (MST), Fiona
<cxfhn1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for noticing that problem! Follow your instructions, now I'm sure
> it's all because my db file is corrupted.  Is there anything I can do to fix
> it?
> Integrity check result:
> <http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/file/t8403/integrity_check.jpg> 

I can think of three options:

1- Rebuild the database from the original input, 
   with the schema improvements suggested in
   this thread

2- Restore a recent backup, then import the data into
   a new database with the correct schema [*].

3- the recipe that Simon gave to retrieve as much of 
   the contents as possible using the .dump command
   and build a new database from the dump file,
   then import the data into a new database with
   the correct schema [*].

[*] The script for importing data from a database with the old
schema into a database with a better schema loks like this:

sqlite3 newdb.sqite <script.sql

script.sql contains:
   t1_id   TEXT
,       t1_blob BLOB
,  PRIMARY KEY (t1_id)
-- CREATE other tables, indexes, triggers, views etc.

ATTACH 'olddb.sqlite' AS olddb;

INSERT OR REPLACE INTO main.t1 (t1_id,t1_blob)
  SELECT t1_id,t1_blob FROM olddb.t1;
-- similar for other tables.

In this example, the order of columns in 
the old database can be:
        t1_blob BLOB
,  t1_id   TEXT  -- should be before the blob
,  PRIMARY KEY (t1_id)
The procedure will adjust that.

The INSERT OR REPLACE takes care of any keys in the old database
that would violate a unique constraint in the new schema
(duplicate rows).

Kees Nuyt
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