This question pops up from time to time.

I will show a correct query script to achieve this below, but I want to emphasize what others have said: Data in an RDBMS has no intrinsic order, it's all SETs, and if you artificially bestow order to the data itself (as opposed to the eventual output) then you are doing something that's very bad in database design.

To be specific, if the fruit in your DB needs ORDER as a property, best is to add a column called  SortOrder or FruitOrder or the like. In this column you can then assign the values automatically in steps of 10 or 100, so you end up with a table like:
id  |  fruit  | SortOrder
1  |  Apple  |  100
2  |  Pear  |  200
3  |  Kiwi  |  300  etc...

Then inserting:
INSERT INTO fruit(fruit, SortOrder) VALUES ('Banana',150);

is simply trivial. (The 150 can be computed from splitting the difference between the precedent and decedent). Non-Integer is best.

Eventually though, you might need to do maintenance and reset the gaps or such.

Anyway, enough preaching - this query script will fix your Situation in SQLite very fast:

UPDATE fruit SET id = -id-1 WHERE id >= 2;
UPDATE fruit SET id = -id WHERE id < 0;
INSERT INTO fruit (2,'Banana');

Another way:

UPDATE fruit SET id = -(id * 100);
UPDATE fruit SET id = -id WHERE id < 0;
INSERT INTO fruit (150,'Banana');

The reason why this is bad? Mostly a primary Key serves as a lookup for other tables linking to a very specific record. Imagine your query that added fruit to recipes where needed has the fruit's primary keys shuffled, the next day will see some really weird recipes when Banana ends up where Pear was intended.  Next you'll want to insert Watermelon...  :)


On 2017/11/19 10:37 PM, Shane Dev wrote:
Let's say I have a table of fruit -

sqlite> .sch fruit
CREATE TABLE fruit(id integer primary key, name text);

with some entries -

sqlite> select * from fruit;

Is there an easy way to insert 'banana' between apple and pear while still
maintaining a consistent order of the ID field?

desired result -

sqlite> select * from fruit;
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