On 2017/11/22 8:40 AM, Shane Dev wrote:
However, this just moves the problem from the id to the sort column. I
still have to consider how to manage changes to values in the sort column.
Apparently there is no single SQL statement which can insert a record in to
any arbitrary sort position. Even if I use the stepped approach (fruit.sort
= 100, 200, 300 ...) or define sort as real unique, I will still need to
determine if it is necessary to reset the gaps between sort column values.

So it's not so much a solution you are after, it's a quick and easy one-line-of-sql solution.

Sorry to inform you, that doesn't exist in any SQL engine, because order is not intrinsic to data and overwhelmingly often it is just not important inside the DB. In the same way integer values are not stored with thousand separators, because that is not important inside a DB, it's only humans that like to see things ordered and formatted, so the DB engine may let the output be controlled for format and order etc, but it doesn't maintain that sort of thing internally and as such have no integrated functionality to deal with it internally.

More importantly, there are a myriad ways to maintain the kinds of ordering we've discussed, some of them are more efficient in one kind of use case, and others are more efficient in other cases. Why should the Database engine get to decide which to use? It should be your choice.

We often see here questions that indicate the poster was informed by friends or colleagues: "Oh you should use a DB, it's much quicker and easier", and while that is true in the long run, it is often mistaken to mean: "It's quicker and easier /for you to program/" - something that is also mostly true, but the real statement should read: "It's quicker and easier at /correctly handling data/".

Emphasis there on *correctly*. It doesn't offer quick and easy short-cuts where those do not also underpin a good data-handling practice.  Not a good DB engine anyway. Put another way: It doesn't offer millions of tools you /may/ need in data-handling, it offers a few tolls you /will/ need and ensures those work 100% accurate and consistent so you don't have to care about that in your programming. The rest is up to you.


PS: Yeah I know, adjust that figure to 99.9999% for the occasional bug perhaps. :)

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