Ah, I see someone else has already brought up version 1 UUIDs.

> What about invalid and reused MAC addresses and devices with no MAC address 
> at all?

Not an issue with SQLite since that part of the UUID is a constant within a 
given database. It would be reasonable to simply pick "0" then set the low bit 
of the first octet to 1 in accordance with the standard for non-MAC node IDs. 
The standard suggests using a hash or a cryptographically secure random number 
generator, setting the 

> What about time resets to the epoch which are not restored, user time changes,

I know some systems at least increment the node each time a time change is 
detected. It will take 2^47 time changes to roll over. Since the node part is 
not relevant to SQLite, this is perfectly safe.

> daylight saving or leap seconds?

Not relevant to the timestamp format, since it's an epoch time.

> It sounds even more probabilistic than the probabilistic methods. Does anyone 
> actually use it?

It's Microsoft's standard GUID/UUID format and is also used by a lot of other 
systems for compatibility.

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