While this is really entirely derailed I'll add...
If monotone wasn't dead 6 years now I'd be using that...but it doesn't
support unicode filenames very well; and they haven't wanted to do updates.

I was really resistant to migrating to Git; actually almost any other
alternaitve of them.  Monotone, like fossil, was a single executable that
did everything all in one.  It also uses a sqlite database for storage, and
tracks things like renames, and has propagation between branches that works
better than git.  At the time I knew sqlite used fossil, and did search for
information on using it; but never actually found it, and decided it must
be a in-house tool that they didn't give for others to use.  ('sides fossil
was a com port driver from days long ago.. just to make searching for it
that much harder)

The choices got slim though... mercurial, SVN (at the time it still
littered the whole directory structure with .svn directories like CVS) and
was server based... and so very slow... and only used that for a short
time; mercurial was much more performant, and before github existed, was
the only alternative sourceforge supported that was decent.

I even used code.google.com for a while with mercurial, while github was
becoming a thing, until google closed that, and the only migration path was
from there to Github... I avoided migrating as long as possible hoping
someone would object and google could change their minds... they never did.
But, as time went on, and I dealt with lots of projects were moving to
github.  Bullet Physics, MS Net FX core, Mono, Go, NodeJS, Vulkan,
Libressl, Unreal, the list goes on... it's become unavoidable to have Git;
unless you live in a not-written-here world and don't care to contribute to
anyone else.

So, having had my arm twisted and choices narrowed to 1 (or 0), I've come
to appreciate the speed and utility of github.  I don't trust it for sole
storage though and have other backup repositories.  Given that there are a
lot of companies using github for private repositories and they are very
inexpensive (when compared with something like Perforce, which I dabbled in
a while, because Openwatcom)  I doubt they'll have to resort to adware.
(could happen) but it's been near a decade ( Development of the GitHub
platform began on 19 October 2007.[10]
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GitHub#cite_note-githubfirstcommit-12> The
site was launched in April 2008 .) and it hasn't happened.  And it's still
quite fast ( Unlike sourceforge )
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