Hi Richard,

Thank you for replying personally. Apologies in advance if I use the wrong
terminology. I haven't looked at SQLite since the previous discussion in
this thread, as I've been waiting for this needed "feature".

I just have to say you treat ROWID like it's your quasimodo. A thing you
need to cover up and pretend doesn't exist.

Well, it's there. As you say, you're supporting it for at least three more
decades. Why not document it properly? It deserves more than a highly obtuse
mention on your Datatypes page. Why not make a PRAGMA statement to allow
tools to introspect the thing? Please. The code is already there for you.

The alternative to supporting table_ipk pragma is to support this
practically undocumented method, which I'll paste again in full. What you,
Richard Hipp, are saying to me, is that you propose to keep these opcodes
outputs from these EXPLAIN statements identical for 30 years:

sqlite> create table rowidPK
   ...> (
   ...>   x integer,
   ...>   y text,
   ...>   primary key (x)
   ...> );

sqlite> create table separatePK
   ...> (
   ...>   x integer primary key desc,
   ...>   y text
   ...> );

sqlite> pragma table_info(rowidPK);

sqlite> pragma table_info(separatePK);

sqlite> explain select x from rowidPK not indexed;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     8     0                    00  Start at 8
1     OpenRead       0     3     0     0              00  root=3 iDb=0; rowidPK
2     Explain        0     0     0     SCAN TABLE rowidPK  00
3     Rewind         0     7     0                    00
4       Rowid          0     1     0                    00  r[1]=rowid
5       ResultRow      1     1     0                    00  output=r[1]
6     Next           0     4     0                    01
7     Halt           0     0     0                    00
8     Transaction    0     0     10    0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
9     Goto           0     1     0                    00

sqlite> explain select x from separatePK not indexed;
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     8     0                    00  Start at 8
1     OpenRead       0     4     0     1              00  root=4
iDb=0; separatePK
2     Explain        0     0     0     SCAN TABLE separatePK  00
3     Rewind         0     7     0                    00
4       Column         0     0     1                    00  r[1]=separatePK.x
5       ResultRow      1     1     0                    00  output=r[1]
6     Next           0     4     0                    01
7     Halt           0     0     0                    00
8     Transaction    0     0     10    0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
9     Goto           0     1     0                    00


Because there is no other reliable way to access this information.

There's currently no way to reliably access IPK information. Tools that are
built around Sqlite need to have access to the specific information about
what its columns contain. Existing tools and libraries try very hard to
support SQLite but they are buggy and error prone. Why? Simply because of
the lack of any way to reasonably introspect.

The advice I was give in this thread was to write my own SQL parser -- I
was literally given that advice here. Yes. I know you've done that, but it
doesn't make sense for everyone else to too.

table_ipk pragma is not designed as some new fancy add-on feature like JSON
storage or 4D coordinate data; the feature is precisely to support the
database and its existing design choices. It's because you're supporting
the legacy of SQLite that tool developers need to be able to introspect
whether a table has an IPK column.

Parsing explain statements just doesn't make sense. You want to support the
exact output of those EXPLAIN statements for 30 years?

Not having a table_ipk pragma would only make sense if you were planning a
complete redesign which had different datatype behaviors. As you clearly
planning NOT to do that (and fairly so), it's frankly insane that you
wouldn't consider adding a way to introspect the existence of an IPK column.

All I'm asking is you embrace the decisions of the past and make them
visible to users and tool makers that need to introspect databases. (And
seriously, please including IPK as an actual type on
https://www.sqlite.org/datatype3.html. Embrace IPK. Let it out into the
light. Please. If you're going to have a fancy table showing how INT has an
affinity for INTEGER, state the giant hunchback of an exception somewhere
in the same table or at least directly under it.)

Please just make the datatypes of your fields programmatically accessible.
I want to keep using SQLite. I understand it has a large legacy to support.
But you can do that without fucking over tool developers and all the users
who use or wish to use those tools such as myself.

Thanks for listening.

Peter Halasz.
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