On 30 July 2018 at 18:10, Eric Grange <egra...@glscene.org> wrote:

> @Rowan Worth
> > Doesn't that problem already exist with the current index? Except worse
> > because it's storing the cryptographic hash *and* the rowid.
> No, because SQLite is using a B-Tree (and with cryptographic hashes, it
> should even take less effort to balance)

Of course. My suggestion is to retain the same B-Tree structure, but only
store rowids in there. The B-Tree would still be ordered according to the
hash data - it would just be an indirect lookup to get at that data.

I'm not super familiar with B-Trees or eg. how many nodes need to be
touched when rebalancing, so it could well be a completely infeasible
approach performance-wise :) I feel like it just depends on whether you can
keep enough pages in cache to avoid constant I/O.

I wonder how FTS implements prefix search...
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