
As an exercise we have just added in COLLATE NOCASE to our integer columns.

Whoops! We thought this would make no difference but its added extra 70% to our processing speeds.

We've now got to the stage where we can make changes quickly, so we'll back that change out and go back to the integer defn without COLLATE NOCASE.


On 31 Jul 2018, at 14:59, Rob Willett wrote:


Apologies for taking so long to get back, we've been building a test system and its taken a long time.

We're just getting round to trying your ideas out to see what difference they make,

We've created a new table based on your ideas, moved the collate into the table, analysed the database. We did **not** add COLLATE NOCASE to the columns which are defined as integers. Would that make a difference?

We've found it now takes around 10% longer to do the queries than before.


Please try moving your COLLATE clauses into the table definition. e.g. instead of

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Disruptions_Idx3" ON Disruptions ("version" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "Disruption_id" COLLATE NOCASE ASC, "location" COLLATE NOCASE ASC);

Your table definition should have

         "version" integer NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE,
         "Disruption_id" INTEGER NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE,
         "location" integer NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE,

and the index should be

    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "Disruptions_Idx3" ON Disruptions
        ("version" ASC, "Disruption_id" ASC, "location" ASC);

Once data has been entered, do ANALYZE. This step may take a long time.

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