This seems to work perfectly for expression indexes.  Thanks, it makes a HUGE 
difference for us!

Would you perhaps be able to make a similar fix for partial indexes? i.e. this 

CREATE TABLE Foo(x, y, z);
CREATE INDEX FooX on Foo(x);
CREATE INDEX FooZ on Foo(z);
CREATE INDEX FooPartialZ on Foo(z) WHERE z > 42; 

explain UPDATE foo SET x=1 WHERE rowid=1;

addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     36    0                    00  Start at 36
1     Null           0     7     8                    00  r[7..8]=NULL
2     OpenWrite      0     2     0     3              00  root=2 iDb=0; Foo
3     Integer        1     12    0                    00  r[12]=1
4     SeekRowid      0     6     12                   00  intkey=r[12]
5     Rowid          0     8     0                    00  r[8]=rowid
6     OpenWrite      1     5     0     k(2,,)         00  root=5 iDb=0; 
FooPartialZ   <<<===========================
7     OpenWrite      3     3     0     k(2,,)         00  root=3 iDb=0; FooX
8     IsNull         8     35    0                    00  if r[8]==NULL goto 35
9     Integer        1     9     0                    00  r[9]=1
10    Column         0     1     10                   00  r[10]=Foo.y
11    Column         0     2     11                   00  r[11]=Foo.z
12    Noop           0     0     0                    00  uniqueness check for 
FooPartialZ  <<<===========================
13    Null           0     1     0                    00  r[1]=NULL
14    Le             14    18    11    (BINARY)       51  if r[11]<=r[14] goto 
15    SCopy          11    2     0                    00  r[2]=r[11]; z
16    IntCopy        8     3     0                    00  r[3]=r[8]; rowid
17    MakeRecord     2     2     1                    00  r[1]=mkrec(r[2..3]); 
for FooPartialZ  <<<===========================
18    Noop           0     0     0                    00  uniqueness check for 
19    SCopy          9     5     0                    00  r[5]=r[9]; x
20    IntCopy        8     6     0                    00  r[6]=r[8]; rowid
21    MakeRecord     5     2     4                    00  r[4]=mkrec(r[5..6]); 
for FooX
22    Column         0     2     13                   00  r[13]=Foo.z
23    Le             14    27    13    (BINARY)       51  if r[13]<=r[14] goto 
24    Column         0     2     15                   00  r[15]=Foo.z
25    Rowid          0     16    0                    00  r[16]=rowid
26    IdxDelete      1     15    2                    00  key=r[15..16]
27    Column         0     0     15                   00  r[15]=Foo.x
28    Rowid          0     16    0                    00  r[16]=rowid
29    IdxDelete      3     15    2                    00  key=r[15..16]
30    IsNull         1     32    0                    00  if r[1]==NULL goto 32
31    IdxInsert      1     1     2     2              00  key=r[1]  
32    IdxInsert      3     4     5     2              00  key=r[4]
33    MakeRecord     9     3     13                   00  r[13]=mkrec(r[9..11])
34    Insert         0     13    8     Foo            05  intkey=r[8] data=r[13]
35    Halt           0     0     0                    00
36    Transaction    0     1     4     0              01  usesStmtJournal=0
37    Integer        42    14    0                    00  r[14]=42
38    Goto           0     1     0                    00

-----Original Message-----
From: <> On Behalf Of Richard Hipp
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2018 2:46 PM
To: SQLite mailing list <>
Subject: Re: [sqlite] SQLITE touches unchanged expression indexes on update

On 9/11/18, Deon Brewis <> wrote:
> It seems like there is an opportunity for improvement on updates if an 
> index contains expressions.

This enhancement did not make the cutoff for 3.25.0.  But as 3.25.0 is now out, 
I have started the next release cycle and you can find this enhancement on the 
latest trunk version of SQLite.  You'll need to grab a tarball (or clone the 
Fossil repository) and compile it yourself.  If you can, please do this and try 
out the code and let me know whether or not it works, that will be appreciated.
D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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