Well, since you put it that way.  May I go one step farther and request
that this new Dynamic Type also adhere to "Bankers Rounding" commonly
implemented as BCD in other so equipped databases.

For years I have spent countless hours testing  and sweating rounding
and comparisons using "Float" (Real?) fields because (IMHO) the database
designers were scientific mathematicians and the world of users were
99%^ business types.  So, spare me further anguish... :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 12:55 PM
> To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> Subject: Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2
> Please let me restate the proposed change:  I desire to change
> SQLite so that it no longer distinguishes between integer and
> real.  The two concepts are merged into a unified "numeric"
> type.  Just as the same string can be represented as either
> UTF-8 or UTF-16 (or sometimes ISO-8859) so too can a number
> be represented as integer or real.  But regardless of the
> particular representation chosen at any particular moment,
> the "type" of the data is always "numeric".  There is no
> "integer".  There is no "real".  There is only "numeric".
> And because all number values are of the same type, they
> need to always be treated in the same way.  A division should
> return a result that includes the fractional part, if there
> is one, regardless of the particular representation of the
> operands.
> This a simplification designed to make your life easier.  No
> longer are there different rules to apply depending on whether
> a value or a column is "integer" or "real".  Everything always
> works the same way.  The goal is to have no special cases.

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