FSCK is File System ChecK, so the equivalent in Windows Scandisk.

Trace through the code to find out when exactly the SQLite is reporting the
lock.  Is it at a query, on opening, is it multi-thread or
multi-application access?  Is the query taking too long?  If you're
debugging and everything is working through the transactions, I'd look at
how you're setting the timeout and maybe it isn't being passed through
correctly.  As mentioned, depending on the size of the DB, your AV may be
holding on and doing a scan of the file that is much longer than the 5
seconds.  Set breakpoints at every point where you do something with SQL,
then first step-over the break point to validate that specific function
isn't causing the lock, then resume until the next break point.  When/if
you do hit a break point that causes a lock, restart the app, then
step-into the function and see where the lock is happening.

Transactions may also cause some grief, but I defer to those with more
experience on that.  I know that there are blocks in play for writes, not
100% sure if you open a transaction if you'll get a locked message from
another call.

Another thing you could do is, again depending on the size of your database
and memory constraints, is "backup" the database to memory, if you're only
using a single-thread & single-application, this should be valid.

For a short bit, turn off all your AV software, or, get an AV free OS up
and running to test your application on.  Disconnect your Ethernet if
you're truly paranoid about getting a rogue application hitting your
machine while you've got AV off.  (Been there with Melissa Virus)
Another option is start up a new application and just have it do some data
massaging on a scrap database.  SQLite Expert I think has a demo DB you can
play with, or, just start from scratch with a single file, single table
database.  If your new application can do work without your AV having a
problem, then I'd be looking at what exactly your code is doing.  I'm sure
there's a SQLite3 Northwind database here:

I use the free version of Berlin and Tokyo, and I've never had a lock issue
that couldn't be explained by another process taking too long with the
data.  I typically write single-threaded applications, but sometimes there
are multiple applications touching the database.  (IE: SQLite Expert;
sqlite3.exe, my applications, etc).  I've only ever run into database
locked issues is when my app is writing the data pretty quickly to the DB
and SQLite Expert runs a query.  I'll get a timeout somewhere, but its
easily explained.  Expanding the timeout on both applications usually fixes
the locked issue.

On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 1:20 PM Lars Frederiksen <lars...@dadlnet.dk> wrote:

> Thank you for your response. To answer your questions:

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