On Sat, 13 Oct 2018 at 02:20, Lars Frederiksen <lars...@dadlnet.dk> wrote:

> I type info into some labeledits and by pressing "Append to DB" button
> this code is executed (fdqGoser2 is a FDQuery)
>   fdqGloser2.Open;
>   fdqGloser2.Append;
>   fdqGloser2.FieldByName('Graesk').AsString:= ledGræsk.Text;
> ...
>   fdqGloser2.FieldByName('Graesk_ren').AsString:=
> Trykløs_SmåBogstaver(fdqGloser2.FieldByName('Graesk').AsString);
>   fdqGloser2.Post; [ here the error is triggered]
> I wonder if some kind of property i fdqGloser2 is set wrong. I think the
> only thing I have set i SQL ('SELECT * FROM Gloser2').
> Any ideas?

Not sure if this got resolved off-list, but based on the code you've posted
I wonder if there is an "fdqGloser" as well as an "fdqGloser2", and if so
what state it is in.

It reads like you're trying to update the database with fdqGloser2 -
another reason this would fail with "database is locked" is if you're
holding a separate read transaction open.

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