I have 3 questions on the below query:

> SELECT searchsimpleenhanced.rowid,
> searchsimpleenhanced.*,
> fatrans.text AS trans,
> searchfast.text,
> highlight(fatrans, 0, '<b>', '</b>') mjp
> FROM searchsimpleenhanced
> fatrans ON fatrans.rowid = searchsimpleenhanced.rowid
> searchfast ON searchfast.rowid = fatrans.rowid
> WHERE fatrans MATCH 'فارسی' ;
First :
How could I count the number of highlights?(not the number of rows)
Second :
if I have 2 columns with Arabic text like this :
column 1 : *"الحمد لله رب العالمین "*
column 2 :
*"الْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ الْعَالَمِينَ "*
I want to know if there are any way to search for a match in column 1 for
example "*رب*" but I can select the same match in column 2 without
searching by its position in the string.Because in the both columns the "
*رب*" is the third word and now I want to find it on column 1 and select
the third word on column 2.
Third :
I want to know if there are anyway to get rid of syntax error during search
for "?,[].."and such symbols.
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