On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 3:55 PM Clemens Ladisch <clem...@ladisch.de> wrote:

> David Fletcher wrote:> Hi all,
> > Is there a mode in the sqlite shell, or some fancy extension, that will
> display a row
> > number when outputting results?
> No.  You'd have to modify the shell, or add the row_number() window
> function to the query.

Unless you need to use bleeding edge new features, use some GUI SQLite tool

I use SQliteSpy myself for that. Gives me the time to process the query,
how many rows,
how many VM steps, Sort steps, that sort of thing. And shows me the result
in tabular fashion,
with color-coding based on value types (useful for a ducktyping DB like

Windows only, very simple, but very fast. Uses SQLite 3.21, but updated
once in a while.

I typically keep several queries I'm playing with, and CTRL-F9 the selected
one to run it.

Don't get me wrong, the CLI shell is great, but for many rows, or wide rows,
or plain convenience, a GUI tool is often more practical IMHO. My $0.02.
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