My typical use case is trying to determine how many rows I just wrote out
to a file. Window functions are no help because they alter the output
format, which is usually undesirable. It's sort of absurd to run `wc -l`
over the newest 25MiB file in my system to get an answer that's probably
already in RAM.


On Wed, Oct 31, 2018 at 12:27 PM R Smith <> wrote:

> On 2018/10/31 4:52 PM, David Fletcher wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Is there a mode in the sqlite shell, or some fancy extension, that
> > will display a row
> > number when outputting results?  You know, something like this:
> >
> >     sqlite> .row on
> >     sqlite> select * from SomeTable where ... ;
> >     1. a|17|93|...
> >     2. b|212|104|...
> Well you're in luck, SQLite has just recently adopted the great
> Windowing functions addition which provides a way to achieve this.
> (Note: this will only work from sqlite version 3.25 onward)
> Simply add a column to any select like this: "row_number() OVER
> (partition by 1)", et voila...
> Example:
>    -- SQLite version 3.25.1  [ Release: 2018-09-18 ]  on SQLitespeed
> version
>    --
> ================================================================================================
> CREATE TABLE t(a,b);
>   (1,'AAA')
> ,(6,'BBB')
> ,(2,'CCC')
> ,(4,'DDD')
> ;
> SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY 1) No, *
>    FROM t
> ;
>    --      No      |       a      |  b
>    -- ------------ | ------------ | ---
>    --       1      |       1      | AAA
>    --       2      |       2      | CCC
>    --       3      |       4      | DDD
>    --       4      |       6      | BBB
> You can get further creative by adding an ORDER BY clause inside the
> window function if you like to have the same row number in a repeatable
> order on subsequent queries.
> See here:
> Or, as others suggested, simply use a GUI - in
> as an example, the query has a simple setting switching row numbering on
> and off - but it is blind to order, it will number any row the DB engine
> spits out in the order it is spat out. Use the Windowing functions if
> you need a repeatable/reference-able solution or one that will work in
> the CLI.
> Good luck!
> Ryan
> >
> > I tend to use the sqlite shell for debugging new queries and seeing a row
> > number would save me from always doing a 'select count(*) from (...
> > previous select ...)'
> > command.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > David
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