
I have a corrupt SQLite database about which I'd appreciate your advice. The 
data is not critical but I'd like to fix it if it's possible and not too 
time-consuming. Even just knowing why the problem occurred or how to prevent it 
in the future would be helpful. If there's something the application should be 
doing differently in its use of the SQLite library to ensure the database 
doesn't get corrupted that would be good to know.

The application that is using the SQLite library (MacPorts) is experiencing 
this error:

sqlite error: library routine called out of sequence (21)

I ran an integrity check on the database, and the output began like this:

$ sqlite3 /opt/local/var/macports/registry/registry.db
SQLite version 3.25.2 2018-09-25 19:08:10
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> .load /tmp/macports.sqlext
sqlite> pragma integrity_check;
*** in database main ***
On tree page 76852 cell 303: Rowid 18741471 out of order
On tree page 76852 cell 301: Rowid 18741430 out of order
On tree page 76852 cell 299: Rowid 18741387 out of order
On tree page 76852 cell 296: Rowid 18741324 out of order

Many similar lines follow. The full output is here:


This was on macOS Sierra 10.12.6 on a Mac OS Extended (case-sensitive, 
journaled) filesystem.

macports.sqlext provides a custom collation for the version number column.

Some background: I run the MacPorts build farm. MacPorts uses SQLite to store 
its "registry", which keeps track of what ports MacPorts has installed and what 
files each port provides. In the build farm we keep the latest version of each 
port installed, which amounts to about 17,000 ports providing over 3 million 
total files, so the registry gets rather large, about 1.5GB, and operations 
that change the registry take a little time to complete.

Recently, I manually uninstalled a few ports from one of the builders. That 
command would have rewritten the registry to remove the entries for those 
ports. MacPorts also occasionally vacuums the registry, when it determines that 
doing so would be worthwhile, but it doesn't print a message if it does so, so 
it's possible that was happening but I'm not certain. While MacPorts was 
dealing with the registry, the VMware virtual machine the builder runs on froze 
and had to be manually powered off. Upon restarting the VM, registry operations 
began failing with the above error.

I've been running this build farm for two years, currently with 11 different 
builders, and I haven't seen this or any other registry corruption there 
before. The VMware host servers have ECC memory and the builders' virtual disks 
are stored on SSDs.

I've seen the document "How To Corrupt An SQLite Database File". There 
certainly are a lot of possibilities.

Does this particular failure stand out to anyone as an obvious example of a 
particular problem, ideally with a particular solution? If not, I can nuke the 
MacPorts installation and its SQLite registry and start over.


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