Thank you, Donald.  I found something similar in a search, after someone 
pointed out my problem was VC++.   I went and set PCH off for both my C and CPP 

I no longer get the PCH messages.  I now get this error:
Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression State
Error    LNK2001    unresolved external symbol _sqlite3_version    sqlite_try_3 
   C:\Users\DSNoS\source\repos\sqlite_try_3\sqlite_try_3\sqlite3.obj    1    

Clicking on the error does not bring me to a line in the code.

      From: Donald Shepherd <>
 To: General Discussion of SQLite Database 
 Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 6:09 PM
 Subject: Re: [sqlite] Need setup code for VC++ 2017 that will ACTUALLY COMPILE

On Fri., 21 Dec. 2018, 1:02 pm zydeholic < wrote:

> To Donald Shepard,
> Sorry, I'm on digest and am having to just respond to my own messages for
> now.  Just told it to get me off of digest.
> Regarding PCH, VC++ seems to be forcing me into that situation (yes, I'm
> relatively new to C++ and the ins and outs of VS).
> If I don't include the pch.h in my files, it won't compile and comes back
> and asks me if I forgot them.
> So, any pointers on how to slide through that problem would be great.
> Thanks for your and everyone else's time.
>      From: zydeholic <>
>  To: "" <
>  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 5:57 PM
>  Subject: Re: Need setup code for VC++ 2017 that will ACTUALLY COMPILE
> Trying again, importing the sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c files directly into
> the subdirectory created by VC++, and running:
> Severity    Code    Description    Project    File    Line    Suppression
> State
> Error    C1853    'Debug\sqlite_try_3.pch' precompiled header file is from
> a previous version of the compiler, or the precompiled header is C++ and
> you are using it from C (or vice versa)    sqlite_try_3
> c:\users\dsnos\source\repos\sqlite_try_3\sqlite_try_3\sqlite3.c    1
>      From: zydeholic <>
>  To: "" <
>  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 5:34 PM
>  Subject: Re: Need setup code for VC++ 2017 that will ACTUALLY COMPILE
> Ok, sorry for my thrashing.  I get frustrated when I don't know what's
> happening, even when I follow directions from a website.  And I tried
> several things and couldn't remember what errors I got from what venture.
> To Scott Doctor,
> I pulled the two files into a C++ project, deleted the .cpp file, and
> compiled.
> It came back and said my PCH compiled header was from a previous project,
> or something like that.  I tried to save the message, but it got lost in
> the hubbub.
> So, I deleted the PCH.CPP file that was in the project.  I just rebuilt
> it, and got this message:
> Error    C1010    unexpected end of file while looking for precompiled
> header. Did you forget to add '#include "pch.h"' to your source?
> sqlite_c    c:\sqlite\source code\sqlite-amalgamation-3260000\sqlite3.c
> 220536
> even though I have #include "pch.h" in both of my .c and .h files.
> Any pointers appreciated.  Thanks.
>      From: zydeholic <>
>  To: "" <
>  Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2018 2:41 PM
>  Subject: Need setup code for VC++ 2017 that will ACTUALLY COMPILE
> Hello folks,
> I looked through the last few months of posts in the archive, and no
> subject lines seemed to cover this.
> I've tried a couple of CPPSqlite3.cpp and .h from've tried
> code from a couple of websites.
> NOTHING seems to compile all the way through.
> I'm using Visual Studio 2017 C++.  I'm on a WIndows 10 machine.  64bit,
> but compiling 32 bit.
> I tried Code::Blocks and got different, but equally incomplete compiles.
> I've included <fstream> in the includes.  I've downloaded sqlite3.c and .h.
> Nothing seems to work.  Is there ANYWHERE that offers a step-by-step
> solution to this that WILL COMPILE all the way through.
> I'm sure this has been covered before, but I did not see a way to search
> the entire archives.  Any help appreciated.
> Thanks.
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