The reason for this is historical and is because Microsoft SQL Server is a 
derivative work of Sybase SQL Server and their TRANSACT-SQL language.   Sybase 
was the first (I believe) SQL-based RDBMS that supported a complete and ONLY 
dynamic execution model for SQL statements.  All other DBMS systems at the time 
were either navigational or required that the SQL statements be pre-compiled 
into the host application, usually via EXEC SQL macro's of the like.

This was because of the time and computation required to prepare the execution 
plan for the SQL and efficiency.  While most SQL RDBMS more-or-less supported 
dynamic execution of SQL (as in pass the SQL statement at execution time and 
prepare the statement at that time, it was very very very inefficient).  Sybase 
TRANSACT was designed from the get-go to be able to execute SQL Statement 
blocks (not a single statement but a block of statements, that would otherwise 
be part of a pre-compiled EXEC SQL block) dynamically by preparing the plan at 
runtime -- though it did also support the standard pre-compiler EXEC SQL 
preparation syntax -- but converted that into the dynamic equivalent code 
performed at runtime rather than the normal pre-prepare and plan binding).

With the introduction of OS/2 EE IBM added the necessary plumbing to support 
SNA on their version of IBM OS/2 Extended Edition so they could also port 
Communications Manager and their mainframe DB2 product to OS/2.  The "Extended 
Edition" enhancements were not covered by the JAD and were not included in the 
generic version of OS/2 marketted by Microsoft as "Microsoft OS/2".  Not 
wanting to be left out, Microsoft entered into a technology agreement with 
Sybase to port the Sybase Database engine (which at that time only ran on 
Unixlike systems) to MS OS/2.  Thus was born "Microsoft SQL Server".  The core 
"OS/2" was covered by the JAD between Microsoft and IBM and was the same.  IBM 
had "IBM OS/2 Extended Edition" which included integration with other IBM 
products and included DB/2.  Microsoft had "Microsoft OS/2" and kept feature 
parity by adding "Microsoft SQL Server" to end up with an equivalent offering 
for shops that did not or want to integrate with IBM Big Iron.

Under the IBM and Microsoft JAD work began on creating the next version of 
OS/2, OS/2 3.0, which would be based on a different memory model.  Somewhere 
around beta 2 of OS/2 3.0 Microsoft and IBM had a major disagreement regarding 
"Windows" support, the WIMP interface that ran overtop of the old MS-DOS 
operating system that OS/2 was being built to replace.  IBM believed that OS/2 
should use a new Object-based gooey layer, and Microsoft wanted to use the 
"Windows" interface that they had been so successful at giving away in boxes of 
cornflakes and such.  IBM thought that Windows, being merely a WIMP layer on 
top of DOS (which it was in all versions Microsoft ever released) belonged in 
the "penalty box" (the DOS emulation layer inside OS/2).

This split and terminated the JAD between Microsoft and IBM.   Microsoft took 
the OS/2 3.0 Beta 2 code and generated their OS/2 New Technology.  The "New 
Technology" part was considered to be a bit to long, so Microsoft shortened it 
to NT, replaced the Presentation Manager with with Windows layer, added the 
"Windows Subsystem" and released it as Windows NT.  IBM took the OS/2 3.0 Beta 
2 code, changed the UI interface to their new Workplace Shell, and released an 
IBM version of OS/2 which eventually became OS/2 WARP.  The IBM side kept all 
the proprietary IBM stuff and the DB2 database.  The Microsoft side kept the 
common codebase and it became Windows NT.  As part of the JAD separation 
Microsoft was required to replace all the proprietary IBM technology with their 
own, which Microsoft did by calling it "ActiveX" (Active this and Active that) 
re-writing those bits.

Somewhere in all the splitting up and divorce proceedings between Microsoft and 
IBM there was also a split between Microsoft and Sybase.  Up until "Windows NT" 
Microsoft had been getting codebase updates from Sybase which kept "Microsoft 
SQL Server" and "Sybase SQL Server" pretty much at feature parity.  This also 
split at the time the new "Windows NT" product and the Sybase and Microsoft 
"SQL Server" products started to diverge, however both retained the common 
TRANSACT-SQL underpinnings.

What, you may wonder, does this have to do with support for "local variables" 
in MS SQL Server?

Well, as I mentioned at the beginning TRANSACT does not execute single SQL 
Statements, it dynamically executes EXEC SQL statement blocks (TRANSACT-SQL) 
which may consist of MULTIPLE SQL STATEMENTS which are dynamically prepared and 
executed as a single statement at the server.  

Compare this to SQLite3 which executes only SINGLE STATMENTS locally.

Therefore in TRANSACT you may have a statement block thus:

"declare @v char
 select @v=CustName from customers where custno=:custno
 update onhand set qty=qty+1 where custname=@v"

where the variable @v is local to the block and two sql statements are executed 
together in the same plan on the server.  Oracle has a similar capability to 
execute statement blocks that they call PL/SQL that execute on the server.  DB2 
requires that you declare an EXEC SQL block (what is called a stored procedure) 
to do the same thing on the server.

In SQLite3 each statement executes within its own local context and there is no 
functionality to provide a "context wrapper" which would allow for context 
(server side) variables.  This makes perfect sense because SQLite3 has no 
server in which to create such a context -- your appplication is the server and 
you can create local variables in your application programming language to your 
own hearts desire.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: sqlite-users [mailto:sqlite-users-
>] On Behalf Of Luuk
>Sent: Saturday, 19 January, 2019 06:49
>Subject: Re: [sqlite] Variable Declaration
>On 19-1-2019 14:23, Jesse Rittner wrote:
>> What language do you want to use? Parameter binding is a feature of
>> SQLite C API. So pretty much any language with a C FFI will
>suffice. There's
>> a list on Wikipedia, not sure how authoritative it is.
>> When it says they "provide bindings for SQLite", it's referring to
>the FFI,
>> not parameter binding.)
>This question is not about: 'parameter binding'!
>It's about 'variable decalaration'...
>In MS-SQL you can do things like:
>C:\temp>PSQL.EXE -E -S SQL2017DEV
>1> declare @count int = 10;
>2> select * from test where i<=@count
>3> go
>  i
>  -----------
>            1
>            2
>            3
>            4
>            5
>            6
>            7
>            8
>            9
>           10
>(10 rows affected)
>sqlite-users mailing list

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