There does exist an experimental branch which introduces the concept
of shell variables.

The check-in comment describes the usage:

"Add the ability to use bind parameters in the CLI. The new ".set
KEY=VALUE" dot-command works to set bindings. Or use the "-Dkey=value"
command-line option. Or use the built-in shell_bindings(k,v) virtual
table to set, delete, or changing bindings."

Note: A bug exists when setting text/blob values via the
shell_bindings virtual table. The bindvtabUpdate method fails to set
p->len. Adding p->len = len resolves the issue.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2019 at 1:15 PM <> wrote:
> I'm jumping into the middle of the conversation, possibly without seeing the 
> beginning, but from what I've seen so far, it seems to me that the key is 
> recognizing there are many tools in a programmer's toolbox.  Each tool covers 
> a certain area of functionality really well, then there are areas where it 
> can be applied but with difficulty, and then the rest is off-limits for any 
> serious applications.  There is considerable overlap between the 
> applicability of different tools, so you get to pick your favorites.  But you 
> have to be willing to incorporate additional tools when you get to the limits 
> of comfort for your favorite tool.
> However, instead what I often see is people trying to expand the scope of 
> their favorite.  Sometimes this is the right choice, but usually it is not.  
> It takes considerable experience and good taste to be able to wisely judge 
> the difference and to chart a roadmap that legitimately enhances tools in a 
> way that justifies the cost to maintenance, documentation, ease of learning, 
> and so forth.  I know I've been on the wrong side of this many times, but I 
> try to learn from my mistakes.
> SQLite is a special sort of tool in that it expressly acknowledges its 
> limitations, and it lets those limitations be its strength.  I mean, "Lite" 
> is right there in the name.  The idea of having a larger number of more 
> limited tools, with a stronger focus on interoperability, is a very powerful 
> and transformative engineering mindset and is central to the Unix design 
> philosophy (which, by the way, is often at odds with the Unix design 
> practice).  The point of SQLite, in contrast to SQL servers, is that it be 
> embeddable in your application.  Thus, SQLite has no need to replicate the 
> capabilities already present in every reasonable programming language.  
> Namely, variables.
> I do see a valid objection earlier in the thread: the SQLite shell.  It 
> indeed lacks variables, though they can be emulated with temporary tables.  
> This is what I was talking about in the first paragraph.  It's possible to 
> stretch tools beyond their core competency, but it can be difficult, so 
> you're better off letting other tools fill the gaps.  But when you're using 
> the SQLite shell, that's not really a good option.  You can let the SQLite 
> shell be the backend to a shell script, but you're not going to want to call 
> it more than once or twice per complete run of a program.
> So rather than discuss adding variable declarations to SQLite, maybe we 
> should be talking about adding variable declarations to the SQLite shell.  
> Please don't think I'm making a serious proposal.  Instead it's just for the 
> sake of argument.  Consider what would come of doing that.  We'd be taking 
> the SQLite shell in the direction of becoming a programming language unto 
> itself, complementary to yet distinct from SQLite.  Once the SQLite shell 
> gets variables, there would also be clamor for loops and conditionals and 
> function declarations and fine-grained I/O and so forth.  That would be cool, 
> I suppose.  And then, once all that is implemented, why not migrate the new 
> functionality from the shell into SQLite proper?  But, umm, don't we already 
> have dozens or hundreds of programming languages to choose from?  Does SQLite 
> really need to compete in that arena?
> Instead, here's what I think.  SQLite is extensible by virtue of being 
> embeddable; it can be embedded in a wrapper that expands its capabilities.  
> Furthermore, the sources are maximally open and free, including the Lemon 
> parser.  If you want to add new syntax to SQLite to ease its integration with 
> another programming language, start by duplicating and extending its parser 
> to recognize variable declaration and usage.  The output of this new parser 
> would be plain-Jane SQLite SQL, augmented with all the necessary variable 
> declarations, statement compiles, parameter bindings, statement steps, column 
> extractions, error checks, and so on needed to make it happen.
> So, figure out exactly what you want the new syntax to look like, and write a 
> lot of sample queries in the updated language.  For each example, write the 
> equivalent C code.  Then, it will be your task to make a parser that knows 
> how to translate the former into the latter.  Or more realistically, into 
> data structures that can be fed at runtime into the latter, having the same 
> net result but without the need to call a C compiler in the middle.
> People can then choose to use this wrapper around SQLite wherever it suits 
> them.
> One good place to do so would be an enhanced shell, which can be forked from 
> the original in order to spin up development quickly.
> Another would be in new language bindings, though it will be interesting 
> finding ways for the augmented parser to relate the variables in its string 
> input with variables present in its host environment.  For languages like 
> Tcl, that will be easy.  For languages like C, that will be impossible to do 
> automatically, and a manual association might be more difficult than just 
> using baseline SQLite.  So instead, for C, keep the SQL variables inside a 
> dynamic data structure in which the host environment can peek and poke by 
> means of typed accessor functions, much like the current SQLite bind/column 
> API.
> All this is possible today, right now, with no need for any SQLite developers 
> to get involved.  Anyone can start this task, anyone can write and publish 
> this code.
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