On Sun, 20 Jan 2019 17:01:25 -0700
"Keith Medcalf" <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

> SQLite3 however has latencies on the order of microseconds 

Is that really true?  Are there machines for which SQLite's throughput
can be measured in transactions per millisecond?  

I think you're referring to the latency of the function-call overhead,
as opposed to using a network interface.  But since DBMSs are basically
I/O machines, and the most interesting operations involve I/O, it's not
clear to me why function-call overhead is a relevant measure.  

> [SQLite] does not have the same opportunity for opportunistic
> behaviour as does a client/server database which may be serving
> thousands of concurrent (but different) applications.

That I think is the relevant measure.  It's the number of clients, not
latency, that makes SQLite's lock-the-whole database feasible.  On a
large machine supporting thousands of clients, the latency advantage
would be overwhelmed by the concurrency disadvantage, depending of
course on the rate of updates.  

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