Having moved from SQLCipher to SEE some time ago, the old advice that SQLCipher 
gave has stuck with me (from https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/design/ in the 
Database Encryption and Temporary Files section):  “Provided that you taken the 
important step of disabling file base temporary stores (i.e. 
--enable-tempstore=yes during configuration and define SQLITE_TEMP_STORE=2 
during build)”

The reasoning behind this is that certain temporary files are not encrypted 
when being written and thus are a violation of the security provided by 
encryption of the database.  I couldn’t find any equivalent warnings regarding 
SQLite Encryption Extension (or anything to assure me that this was *not* the 
case with SEE) so I thought I would ask here if the same advice applies or can 
we be assured that anything SQLite with SEE writes to the disk relating to the 
encrypted database will also be encrypted?

<superfluous background (not required reading)>
The reason why I ask this is because there is a debate going on about the 
appropriate setting of SQLITE_TEMP_STORE on mobile devices and whether or not 
it will end up using too much memory and getting an application terminated.  
However, the above advice would pretty much force our hand on the version of 
our product that uses SEE.
</superfluous background>

Jim Borden

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