> On Feb 6, 2019, at 11:55 AM, Ben Asher <benashe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi there! We're having a debate at my company about date storage in SQLite.
> SQLite has builtin support for ISO8601 in its date functions, so some folks
> have started storing dates as ISO8601 SQLite-compatible date strings. Are
> there pitfalls to storing dates this way compared to a unix timestamp?

Date-string parsing can be surprisingly expensive. I’ve seen it as a hot-spot 
when profiling a program of mine that analyzed some XML-based data sets, and 
I’ve also seen it slow down CouchDB map functions.

Date strings are many times larger than the equivalent numeric timestamps.

On the plus side, they’re much more readable if someone has to look at the raw 
data in the database.

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