Simon Slavin on Saturday, February 9, 2019 11:02 AM wrote...
On 9 Feb 2019, at 3:49pm, Jose Isaias Cabrera <> wrote:

> Imagine this scenario:I have this table,
> t (a PRIMARY KEY, b, c, d, e)
> that contains yesterday's data. Today, I rename that table to,
> t_20190208 (a PRIMARY KEY, b, c, d, e).

> That's not how you use tables.  Your software shouldn't be automatically 
> creating or dropping
> tables during the life of your program.

True, but there is a lot more details, but you're right in a very decent world. 

> Have one table for your data for all days.
> Add an extra column to the table for the datestamp.
> Then to select all data for a particular day you do
> SELECT * From t WHERE datestamp = "20190208"

We already have that.  The problem is that we need to check differences of data 
coming in for different days, weeks and months.

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