On 23 Feb 2019, at 19:30, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 23 Feb 2019, at 6:41pm, Tim Streater <t...@clothears.org.uk> wrote:
>>  The PHP interface to SQLite doesn't appear to give me access to the extended
>> codes, unfortunately.
> I used to do SQLite from PHP myself.  Hold on ...
> Bah.  I agree with you.  There doesn't seem to be any way to do it.  You can't
> even extend the library yourself to add the facility, short of compiling your
> own SQLite3 library.
> Everything else in your post suggests you're doing it right.  I have nothing
> to suggest.  I hope someone else does.

Well it's all mysteriously OK now. I'm asking for SSH access to the site so I 
can run the sqlite3 shell there, perhaps compiled here in my Linux VM to show 
extended error codes (if the shell doesn't already do that, I haven't checked 

The hosting support people did say I was running with an old version of PHP so 
I've selected to run 5.6 now, and will probably crank that up to 7.2 to get a 
much more recent version of the sqlite library. I think what happened is they 
just removed my ability to *select* to run that older version, while leaving 
PHP 5.3 actually in place (the hosting console allows selection of PHP 
version). The errors I was seeing persisted with PHP 5.6 but as I say, seem to 
gone now.

I may be back if I have problems exposing extended error codes in the shell. 
I'd fogotten those existed, so that's something learnt today at any rate :-)


Cheers  --  Tim
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