

> If there is no attached database N on the database connection D, or if
database N is a temporary or in-memory database, then a NULL pointer is

However, when called for :memory: db the function actually returns "".

Looking at the code:

** Return the full pathname of the database file.
** Except, if the pager is in-memory only, then return an empty string if
** nullIfMemDb is true.  This routine is called with nullIfMemDb==1 when
** used to report the filename to the user, for compatibility with legacy
** behavior.  But when the Btree needs to know the filename for matching to
** shared cache, it uses nullIfMemDb==0 so that in-memory databases can
** participate in shared-cache.
SQLITE_PRIVATE const char *sqlite3PagerFilename(Pager *pPager, int
  return (nullIfMemDb && pPager->memDb) ? "" : pPager->zFilename;

- as the comment says, it returns an empty string in case of in-memory mode
(although "nullIfMemDb" confusingly implies null).

I have no idea who is correct here - the code or the documentation - but
one of them should probably be corrected?


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