So if I understand you correctly, you just want to make "master" point to a
particular known commit. To do this, you can issue the commands (in a local

git branch -m master oldmaster # Move it out of the way
git branch master 4f35b3b7

Then do a "git push -f origin master" (assuming that the github repo is
defined as "origin", replace that with whatever name you use for the remote
if it isn't origin).


On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 12:05 PM Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> The Git mirror of SQLite found at is
> busted.  I don't know how to fix it and would appreciate advice from
> people who have more experience with Git internals.
> To describe the problem, consider this excerpt from the check-in
> sequence for SQLite:
> Notes to Git-ers:  (1) Graph arrows in Fossil point forwards in time,
> not backwards as Git does.  In other words, the arrows point from
> parent to child, not from child to parent.  (2) The main branch is
> called "trunk" in Fossil instead of "master".  The name is changed
> automatically during the mirroring process.
> What happened here is that the 9b888fcc check-in was originally on
> trunk/master.  But after it was checked in, I discovered a problem
> with it.  So I diverted that check-in off into the "mistake" branch
> (which you can do in Fossil by adding a special tag.)  Then the
> check-in sequence for trunk/master continued with 6cf16703 and
> 4f35b3b7 and so forth.
> The problem is that Git now thinks that 9b888fcc is the HEAD of master
> and that the true continuation of master (check-in 4f35b3b7 and
> beyond) are disconnected check-ins, awaiting garbage collection.
> There is no "ref" pointing to the HEAD of the true continuation.
> I think what I need to do is change refs/heads/master to point to
> 4f35b3b7 (or whatever check-ins come afterwards - the snippet shown is
> not the complete graph).  Then create a new entry refs/heads/mistake
> that points to 9b888fcc.
> Question 1:  Does my analysis seem correct.  Or have I misinterpreted
> the malfunction?
> Question 2:  Assuming that my analysis is correct, what is the
> preferred way of rewiring the refs in Git?
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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