Thanks for the help.  See additional questions and remarks below....

On 4/22/19, Jonathan Brandmeyer <> wrote:
> ```
> # Construct the matching branch name
> git branch mistake 9b888fc
> # Push the name alone to the remote
> git push -u origin mistake
> # Move the name of master
> git checkout master && git reset --hard <correct-master-sha>
> # Push the new name of master
> git push --force
> ```
> Git reset --hard will move the name of the current working branch to
> another branch SHA, which is why you need to first check out the
> branch being moved: Its context sensitive.  You are re-writing
> history, though.

I don't understand this part.  From the Fossil perspective, moving a
check-in from one branch to another is just adding a new tag to that
check-in.  No history is changed.  The DAG of check-ins (the
block-chain) is unmodified.

Subsequent to your message, I fixed the recent breakage of the SQLite
Git mirror as follows:

(1) cd into the refs/heads directory
(2) run "cat master >mistake"
(3) run "echo a9a5465eb44d0d8f1c3c9d288b7f23f628ddb50b >master"
(4) run "git push --mirror";

This was a one-time fix.  I have not yet enhanced the mirroring
mechanism to make this happen automatically, but probably I will soon.

But before I proceed, I would like to better understand how rewiring
the refs this way constitutes "changing history".  The refs/heads
entries are all ephemeral - they are constantly changing on their own,
and no historical record of their past values is retained.  So if I
modify the refs to synchronize with the canonical Fossil repository,
how is that changing history, exactly?

Any further explanation is appreciated.

D. Richard Hipp
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