
Should "index.cgi" from line number 1923 in subject check in include a
leading forward slash?  My index.cgi scripts aren't being found with
this version (or any subsequent version) unless I explicitly include
it as part of the request uri.  I added the slash and recompiled and
it started working again as it had in previous versions.

Also, could you explain what the intention of the /home addition to
the search paths is?  It seems that /home needs to be a cgi script (by
my testing).  At first I thought that the logic would be that it would
search for a /home directory and then look for an index.html or
index.cgi in /home.  If it /home has to be a cgi script maybe it
should be /home.cgi rather than just /home?

I'm probably misunderstanding the changes!

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