On 4/26/19, Carl Chave <onl...@chave.us> wrote:
> Should "index.cgi" from line number 1923 in subject check in include a
> leading forward slash?  My index.cgi scripts aren't being found with
> this version (or any subsequent version) unless I explicitly include
> it as part of the request uri.  I added the slash and recompiled and
> it started working again as it had in previous versions.


I'm surprised to hear that there is somebody else actually using
althttpd!  Now with two users, maybe it is time to separate the
althttpd.c code and documentation out into a separate repository
(rather than commingling it with the SQLite documentation), get a
domain name, and set up a website just for althttpd.c :-)

> Also, could you explain what the intention of the /home addition to
> the search paths is?

I added that for websites that are primarily just a Fossil (or other
CGI) instance.  The driver case was https://wapp.tcl.tk/.  This was
formerly redirecting to https://wapp.tcl.tk/index.html, which would
then redirect to something like
https://wapp.tcl.tk/index.html/doc/trunk/README.md.  Having the
"index.html" term in the middle of that URL path just seemed wrong.
(This became particularly noticeable to me as I was preparing slides
for a talk on Wapp.)  So I added the ability to have a CGI script
named "home".  And I put "home" first in line so that it would be the
default, if available.  That way, I could keep "index.html" around on
websites for legacy links, but new accesses would redirect to "home"

Which of these URLs do *you* think looks better?


D. Richard Hipp
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