On Sat, Nov 12, 2005 at 05:24:47PM -0700, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> http://users.iol.it/irwin

> 4) Am I doing the right thing? Of course I think the uSQLiteServer is
> the best thing since sliced bread, but then it was designed to meet my
> criteria :-) OTOH reception has been mixed. I have had a couple of nice
> replies on this list but overall feedback has been lukewarm to icy. I

Well, it can't possibly be a BAD thing to have your uSQLiteServer code
out there and available, so I fully encourage you to keep at it!  :)
Your focus on simplicity and easy of writing client code could
certainly be valuable to many people.  I suspect the lukewarm reaction
is more that the people who might most benefit from your project just
haven't noticed it yet.

What might help interest and uptake, is to give us more detail on why
YOU found it so useful.  For example, in your use of uSQLiteServer on
embedded systems, why didn't you just use an existing client-server

You needed something smaller footprint?  You were using a weird client
platform for which there was no working PostgreSQL client code at all,
and you wanted something simpler to implement?  You had to also run
the database server on a very resource constrained embedded system,
rather than a general purpose server box?  Or?

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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