My .net application which uses System.Data.SQLite relies on the
foreign_keys to be enabled and recursive_trigger to be disabled.  In my
searching, I found documentation on DefaultFlags_SQLiteConnection, setting
that in the appSettings.  Here is what it says:

If this environment variable is set [to anything], it will be used by the
System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteConnection class as the default flags for all
opened connections (i.e. when they are not present in the connection

What I cannot find is what to set to enable foreign keys and disable
recursive triggers.  I tried looking through the source code to get an idea
of what the input should be but the only fruit that is producing is I THINK
the key is simply the pragma name equals value, but I cannot tell how to
separate multiple values, is it a comma, or some other separator?  My
current guess is:


Is there documentation on this somewhere and I am just missing it?

Pax vobiscum,
Sam Carleton
sqlite-users mailing list

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