Jay Sprenkle wrote:
> On 11/14/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > -------- Original Message --------
> > > Subject: Re: [sqlite] optimizing out function calls
> > > From: Jay Sprenkle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Date: Mon, November 14, 2005 4:34 pm
> > > To: sqlite-users@sqlite.org
> > >
> > > > - the random function in C has no arguments, it will produce
> > > >   a different result on every call (within the limits of the
> > > >   random number generator that is used). Of course from a
> > > >   mathematical point of view this is a monstrosity ;).
> A monstrosity? Isn't that a bit emotionally over the top?

I did add ";)"

> A random number generator should generate random numbers and
> they aren't supposed to be the same. It does generate the same
> sequence of numbers each time given the same seed so it's testable.

Yes, but the implementation (not the definition) as a function a la C
causes it to deviate from the mathematical concept of a function.

> >
> > But 'random' is not a mathematical function. In software we often use
> > functions to get values from the outside world ( getch(),time() etc,
> > etc). Random is a function which fetches the next number from a random
> > number generator. The qualities of that random number depend on the
> > underlying generator. When we pass an argument to random it is just to
> > control the behaviour of the random number generator.
> >
> > We would not expect getch() and time() to return the same result each
> > time they are called (except on friday afternoons).
> I think that's why DRH doesn't cache results for user defined functions.

Again, the implementation of getch and time as _C functions_ is a pure
implementation choice. Other languages do it in another way. The whole
point I was trying to make is that the apparent implementation form of
functionality may be misleading as to its proper semantics.



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