On 2019/06/23 8:14 AM, Ben Earhart wrote:
...that the person(s) that has no problem writing small, but solid, walls
of technical detail and drawing intricate circularly recursive syntax
diagrams which require multiple levels of detail to coherently represent,
can't be bothered to write example sql code for the top dozen things that
most surely cover better than the majority of real-world uses cases.

As Shawn pointed out, diagrams are scripted, but more importantly - 3 things to consider:

A - SQLite is not SQL. SQLite provides an Engine to deal with SQL, but SQL is a thing unto itself and there are countless training, educational and example content on the net (see below for examples). SQLite often changes/updates to better follow the SQL standard, or rather, newer SQL technology. It would both be presumptuous and unsafe for SQLite to trespass on the education of SQL itself. (Even maintaining that would be a job for many).  A calculator manufacturer can show you how to enter a math function, but it's not in the business of teaching you how to do math, not because they don't want to, just because it isn't their authority and they shouldn't trespass on the domain of educational institutions.

B - The premise that "...most surely cover the majority of real-world use cases..." is just not true. SQL use cases and Query statements are literally infinite. For every query that was ever written on Earth, ten-fold more will be written in the near future, and infinitely more before the Sun explodes. What's the top 1% of infinity?  For SQLite to give examples of real-world use cases (as opposed to merely demonstrating internal specific methodology) would be like a car manufacturer (say Ford) suggesting driving routes to your nearest shop. There are many viable routes, it is not their domain and they would by no means be a better authority on it than a map book or google maps, or indeed your own knowledge of your area.

C - There are expert advisors who do this already, for whom it is their main function and they have supportive communities and the like. On this very forum, you can ask any SQL question and I promise someone will come up with great SQL to achieve just that. In fact, likely 5 someones will come up with different ways of achieving it in SQL.  <opinion>The premise that SQL examples are hard to find seems perhaps more a result of  google's algorithm becoming an advertising monstrosity rather than a good search engine. </opinion>

Does anybody here know where such a thing might exist? I think sqlite3 is a
gem but, for whatever reason, I have had poor luck getting sqlite3 sql code
examples - just scraps here and there. I don't use it near as much as I
could simply because of difficulty getting examples for a few basic schema

May I suggest one of my favourites: W3-Schools (https://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp) which has excellent basic tutorials on getting things done (more than just the dozen top real world examples).

Another, which is more SQLIte-oriented if you prefer, is: http://www.sqlitetutorial.net/

Also, from our own side, if you have a Windows machine or WINE somewhere, you can try the free sqlitespeed (https://sqlitespeed.com/) and during install tick the "Include example SQL" (I forget the exact caption, but that's the gist of it) which includes a whole lot of example scripts mostly gathered from this forum, but perhaps geared more towards doing creative things with SQLite specifically rather than general-purpose SQL such as W3-Schools would do.


Best of SQL luck mate!

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