On Wednesday, 26 June, 2019 10:59, a...@zator.com wrote:

>Irreproachable argumentation, which in my humble opinion is little or
>nothing useful to those who want to enter in the diabolic world of
>SQL. Especially, if you have not yet managed to change the chip and
>find out that for example, you must carry out a program without using

What programming language are you using that does not have variables?  Seems 
rather unlikely to me that a programming language would not have some sort of 
concept of "variables", whether those "variables" refer to the storage location 
of the data itself in memory or are referents (pointers) to data stored in 

Could you please expand on what programming language you are referring to that 
does not have variables -- I find this quite intoxicating!

>All the programming gurus I've read, agree that the best way to
>master a language (SQL is) is to read code from good programmers and
>I do not remember anyone who says that you ask in the forums when you
>have any questions, and the sad reality is that it is difficult to
>find examples of SQL, apart from being attentive to these pages where
>sometimes you learn a lot in the code of some answers.

One does not program in SQL.  One programs in a programming language (COBOL, 
FORTRAN, BASIC, Assembler, PL/1, C) or some variant of a programming language 
designed by huxters (C++, C#, Java, IronOxide, etc).

SQL is *S*tructured *Q*uery *L*anguage.  It is what you use inside a 
programming language to get and put data between main-memory and your storage 
system (for example, a disk file).  It is not a language in its own right.  
Though many large $$$$$$ RDBMS systems which use SQL have wrapped their own 
internal scripting language into their product -- that is not SQL.  Even the 
names of these things are different:  PL/SQL, Transact-SQL, SQL.NET, and so on 
and so forth.  These variants of SQL are related to SQL in the same way as 
Cherry Code is related to Coke.  They sound similar to the proletariat, but 
they are not the same.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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