> Two users – members of staff – enter data.  Each user enters a new
> invoice.  One of these entries gets rolled back.  What should their
> software do ?  Or should it just return an error message to the user ?

Multi-user data entry is not a part of my intended use case. I think other
database engines are better suited for this need. It could be done, though,
if you had an easy way to check for conflicts on commit. This change would
get us much closer to this than we are now.

My particular use case is for data verification. I have one part of the
system that does some computation. I then have another part of the system
that verifies that computation. I don't want the "verifier" to write to the
database; that data will be written by the true data owner. However, the
verifier to redo some of the inserts/deletes in order for the computation
to come out correctly.
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