On 12 Nov 2019, at 10:06am, Dan Kennedy <danielk1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This branch might interest you:
>   https://www.sqlite.org/src/timeline?r=begin-concurrent-pnu-wal2

" In wal2 mode, the system uses two wal files instead of one. The files are 
named "<database>-wal" and "<database>-wal2" "

Could this be changed to -wal1 and -wal2 ?  Or any other suffixes that aren't 
used by a different mode ?

This is to make crash/corruption diagnostics simpler.  At the moment, if the 
database file is so corrupt it can't be opened by SQLite, just by looking at 
the files in the directory I can tell a lot about what journal mode the 
database was in and what was being done, and what the user did to try to 
restore a backup.

But users do all sorts of weird things to try to recover from crashes, 
including restoring a database, sometimes in a different journal mode, but 
leaving journal files in place.  Seeing whether there's a -wal file and/or a 
-wal1 file, and comparing the changedates on the files, will give me better 
clues about what was done.  It means I can get further in figuring out what was 
going on before hexdumping the files concerned.
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