On Thursday, 31 October, 2019 10:52, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

>On 31 Oct 2019, at 4:29pm, Keith Medcalf <kmedc...@dessus.com> wrote:

>> If the elapsed time is much greater than the sum of user+sys time then
>> I would suspect it is still I/O thrashing (or the machine is really busy
>> doing something else -- those original timings represent only a 57%
>> process dispatch rate, which is pretty low).

> I'm betting it's a rotating hard disk with a slow spin speed, and most of
> the time is spent waiting for the disk to be in the right place.

> As Dominique Devienne spotted, there is now some doubt about the
> comparative figure.  Was the MariaDB filespace hosted on this same hard
> disk ?

While nice, that is irrelevant.  MariaDB is a client/server database so it 
probably uses a database cache that is considerably larger by default than the 
SQLite default.  The SQLite default cache is 2 MB which is 500 pages at the 
default page size of 4K.

>The original post had

>> The largest table contains about 230'000 entries.

> Five tables and eleven indexes.  Sixteen pages and sixteen page indexes.
> Even if you think that all the required indexes for FOREIGN KEY lookup
> are now available, I think that 88 minutes is still longer than SQLite
> should take for anything but a slow disk.

That is why I asked about the cache_size.  If the cache_size has not been 
increased from the default then a large operation will be thrashing and 
spilling pages sto perform a large operation like that.  For I/O intensive 
operations the size of SQLite's page cache makes a huge difference, far more 
than an adequate filesystem or block cache in reducing I/O.

The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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