
Am using the API and having trouble (deadlock or crash) with multithreaded
access to a read-only sqlite3 file. Any help would be much appreciated.

   - Running OSX with sqlite3 3.28.0 amalgamation compiled from code. Same
   issue is occurring when the code is compiled for Windows using mingw64
   - I have one sqlite3 db file holding one table of data of about 100k
   rows and half a dozen columns with short-text or numeric data
   - I have one process with two threads concurrently accessing the table:
      - each thread has its own db connection
      - each thread is running an identical "select x" query, many
      thousands of time in rapid succession, with an indexed lookup, and only
      retrieving 1 row (at most) of data
   - I'm encountering a race condition and/or crash and have tried multiple
   different ways to address
   - Here are two approaches that are both failing:
      - deadlock: both processes open db (once each before quering begins)
      The deadlock occurs in the btreeCursor function, which both threads
      get stuck in (which in my version 3.28.0 amalgamation is on
      lines 67576-67581)

  for(pX=pBt->pCursor; pX; pX=pX->pNext){

    if( pX->pgnoRoot==(Pgno)iTable ){

      pX->curFlags |= BTCF_Multiple;

      pCur->curFlags |= BTCF_Multiple;



   - crash: both processes open db (once each before quering begins)
      using SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY | SQLITE_OPEN_URI, with uri parameter
      immutable=1. The crash occurs in sqlite3DbMallocRawNN, with a bad
      memory access exception using lldb

I've tried other permutations of various flags that go along for
sqlite3_open_v2 , as well as setting pragma read_uncommitted, but can't
seem to get multi-threaded concurrent rapid-fire querying to work at all.
Am open to any changes to how the db is opened or sqlite3_step is called

Thoughts or suggestions? Seems like this should be a common use case so my
guess is the solution is easy and I've just got something wrong...

Thank you
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