On Sat, 7 Dec 2019 05:23:15 +0000
Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> (Your operating system is allowed to do this.  Checking how much
> memory is available for every malloc takes too much time.)

Not really.  Consider that many (all?) operating systems before Linux
that supported dynamic memory returned an error if the requested amount
couldn't be supplied.  Some of those machines had 0.00001% of the
processing capacity, and yet managed to answer the question reasonably

The origin of oversubscribed memory rather has its origins in the
changed ratio of the speed of RAM to the speed of I/O, and the price of

As RAM prices dropped, our machines got more RAM and the bigger
applications that RAM supported.  As memory got faster, relatively, the
disk (ipso facto) has gotten slower. Virtual memory -- the hallmark of
the the VAX, 4 decades ago -- has become infeasibly slow both because
the disk is relatively slower than it was, and because more is being
demanded of it to support today's big-memory applications.  Swapping in
Firefox, at 1 GB of memory, who knows why, is a much bigger deal than
Eight Megabytes and Constantly Swapping.  

If too much paging makes the machine too slow (however measured) one
solution is less paging.  One administrative lever is to constrain how
much paging is possible by limiting the paging resource: swap space.
However, limiting swap space may leave the machine underutilized,
because many applications allocate memory they never use.  

Rather than prefer applications that use resources rationally or
administer machines to prevent thrashing, the best-effort, least-effort
answer was lazy allocation, and its infamous gap-toothed cousin, the

Nothing technical mandates oversubscribed memory.  The problem, as
ever, is not with the stars, but with ourselves.  


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