On 9 Jan 2020, at 9:41, Xingwei Lin wrote:

> I always use ./configure && make to compile sqlite.
> ./configure can add some compile options, but I don't know how to add -Dxxx
> option in this compilation process.

I don't know (since I've never needed to build SQLite),
but can offer a hint which may help you discover for yourself
while waiting for real expert advice.

Just before sending, I did check my incoming mail, and didn't see
anything from a real expert yet.

After running ./configure (without && make), inspect the Makefile
and try to find how it runs the compiler, and how it passes options
to the compiler.  The man page for make is worth reading, but can
be confusing.

The Makefiles for other software packages that I have to build
from time to time are written following the convention that the
compiler is invoked using a macro CC, and that options are passed
to it using a macro CFLAGS.

If you find lines like
  $(CC) ... $(CFLAGS) ...
then you can set a value for CFLAGS by giving an argument to make:
  make CFLAGS=-Dxxx
If you see lines like
then you'll need to be more careful, and work out which of the
macros on the right-hand side should be over-ridden by the
argument to make.

I hope this helps.
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