On Jan 9, 2020, at 6:51 AM, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> The reasons for the recommendation have to do with complications that result 
> from multiple variables, nested Makefile.am, etc.

It also allows autoreconf to work properly in the case of Autoconf and 
@AUTOREMAKE@ in the case of Autosetup.

To see it, try this in the Fossil source tree to produce a debuggable build:

    ./configure CFLAGS='-O0 -g'

Then look at the rule generated at the end for re-generating the Makefile:

Makefile: ./Makefile.in …noise noise noise…
    /path/to/configure CFLAGS=-O0
    touch /path/to/Makefile

You don’t get that by exporting CFLAGS as an environment variable, for example.
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