Aaron Peterson wrote:
> On 12/7/05, Teg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello All,
> >
> > Wouldn't it make sense to write a program that reads it in, one line
> > at a time, splits and inserts the data into the proper tables? Even
> > creating the table on the fly? That's what I'd do, a little command
> > line utility.
> One could probably look at the mysqlimport source code for
> inspiration.  It would be nice to have a little command line utility
> for this as part of the main sqlite package...  This *can* be done
> with a sed or perl script, but it becomes increasingly difficult when
> the values also include commas, in which case programs often
> additionally enclose the values in quotes, etc.  mysqlimport has nice
> switches (--optionally-enclosed-by) to take care of cases like these
> so that everyone doesn't have to be a perl or sed genius to import
> some text file data into a table.

Hm, there is a CSV reading module in Tcllib, so one could contemplate
using Tcl instead of Perl for this. That ought to take care of the
and other nastiness...



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