Robert L Cochran wrote:

.... It's better to learn something new than to sit in a lawn chair swatting flies!

This thread has been interesting to follow, since one of my main uses for computers is finding projects to work on in a futile but enjoyable attempt to keep my brain from ossifying. The latest has been writing a GUI for sqlite in Tcl/Tk.

It started when in my musings with sqlite I realized I couldn't remember the names of my tables and the fields in them, and always had to have two instances of the CLI program and/or Tcl open; one for the work at hand and one to show the structure of the file. So the first need was for a window to show that.

Of course it had to be able to open an existing file or create a new one.

Since my understanding of my needs kept growing so did my data tables, and I added a complete Alter Table function. This is one of the biggest hunks of the script. A much smaller one is used to add a new table.

Several of my tables have optional fields at the end, not always supplied by the input source, so I wrote an Import function, with user-defined delimiters, which has the option of rejecting or padding input lines which have an insufficient number of fields.

As I did things in various directories I kept losing little Tcl routines I used for various functions, so I added the capability to store them in and execute them from the database. [puts] and [gets] were redefioned to work in the Tk environment. There are also windows for executing single lines of SQL or Tcl.

When I got tired of the data displays not being aligned I started using tktable. This allowed spreadsheet-like editing of data--before that I had used stand-alone editing windows.

When I decided to bite the bullet and make the move from SQLite2 to SQLite3 I added a conversion function (bidirectional).

About the only other thing it does, and very poorly at that, is a Help function, which currently merely lists a text file.

I wrote my own because I hate using a tool that does _almost_ everything I want, but needs help from another program or two to finish the task. So, my job has been much easier than Mr. Newby's. I had the luxury of creating things as needed, no need to implement the desire of others, and, at least most of the time, doing it on my own schedule.

Good luck Mr. Newby, and have fun. SQLite is a wonderful environment, and this list is a great resource.


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