"Murray @ PlanetThoughtful" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a column defined with DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP in an SQLite 3.2.7 db
> (on WinXP SP2, if that's important). I've noticed that the value being
> stored in that column is being recorded / displayed incorrectly. For
> example, it's currently 5:28am 22 Dec 2005 (in Australia, if that causes
> confusion), and yet a record inserted at this point contains "2005-12-21
> 19:28:54" when SELECTed back from the table.

Assuming that your column name is my_timestamp in table my_table, I expect
you'll get the results you're looking for by querying like this:

  SELECT datetime(my_timestamp, 'localtime') FROM my_table;


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