Martin O'Leary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I have a table like the following:
> CREATE TABLE user_actions (
>     actionid INTEGER NOT NULL,
>     time INTEGER NOT NULL,
>     status INTEGER NOT NULL,
>     PRIMARY KEY (uid, actionid, time, status)
> );
> And I want to carry out a query something like this:
> SELECT uid, actionid, MAX(time), status FROM user_actions GROUP BY
> uid, actionid;

Are you thinking that the value of "status" returned will
be the one which has the maximum value for "time"?  SQL doesn't
work that way.  To understand why not, consider this query:

   SELECT uid, actionid, MAX(time), MIN(time), status
     FROM user_actions
    GROUP BY uid, actionid;

> Here, I find two problems. Firstly, because my table doesn't have an
> INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, I get an autogenerated index on my compound key.
> No problem there. However, and I may be missing something, it seems
> that there's a lot of data duplication going on. All the data from my
> main table is available in the index (status shouldn't really be part
> of the key, but I added it in order to increase query performance). As
> far as I can tell, this means that the main table is never consulted,
> but just sits there, doubling the size of my database. Is there any
> way around this?

All data is duplicated - it appears in both the table and in the
index.  There is no way around that.

> Secondly, query performance is quite slow. It seems to me that no
> optimisation is being carried out on the MAX(time) expression. Is this
> the case, and if so, why not? Surely it's possible to do this in a
> nice, logarithmic way.

The query as you have specified it runs in O(NlogN) time
where N is the number of rows in the table.
Perhaps an enterprise-class RDBMS with a really big and
really expensive query optimizer can do better, but SQLite
isn't that smart.

I suggest you do the query "manually".  To begin with, use
SQLite version 3.3.0 (which supports DESC indices) and create
your table with a separate index like this:

 CREATE TABLE user_actions (
     actionid INTEGER NOT NULL,
     status INTEGER NOT NULL
 CREATE INDEX user_actions_pk
     ON user_actions(uid,actionid,time DESC,status);

The DESC attribute on the time field of the index means that
index entries will be in descending time order instead of
the default ascending.  Hence, the first entry in the index
for a particular uid+actionid will be the one with the largest
time value.

Find the first record in O(logN) time like this:

  SELECT * FROM user_actions 
   ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
   LIMIT 1;

Find all other actions for the same user this way:

  SELECT * FROM user_actions
   WHERE uid=:previous_uid AND actionid>:previous_actionid
   ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
   LIMIT 1;

Once you have all records for a single user, advance to the
next user this way:

  SELECT * FROM user_actions
   WHERE uid>:previous_uid
   ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
   LIMIT 1

Repeat until done.  Runtime is O(MlogN) where N is the number
of rows in the table and M is the number of rows of output.
Since M is likely much less than N, this approach will be much

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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