> The query as you have specified it runs in O(NlogN) time
> where N is the number of rows in the table.

Actually, the original query runs in O(N) time.  I was mistaken.
But I still think I am right in saying that my "manual" scheme
runs in O(MlogN) time.  So the manual scheme will only be faster 
if O(N)>O(MlogN).  So your choice of algorithm will depend a
lot on the values of M and N.

> I suggest you do the query "manually".  To begin with, use
> SQLite version 3.3.0 (which supports DESC indices) and create
> your table with a separate index like this:
>  CREATE TABLE user_actions (
>      uid INTEGER NOT NULL,
>      actionid INTEGER NOT NULL,
>      time INTEGER NOT NULL,
>      status INTEGER NOT NULL
>  );
>  CREATE INDEX user_actions_pk
>      ON user_actions(uid,actionid,time DESC,status);
> The DESC attribute on the time field of the index means that
> index entries will be in descending time order instead of
> the default ascending.  Hence, the first entry in the index
> for a particular uid+actionid will be the one with the largest
> time value.
> Find the first record in O(logN) time like this:
>   SELECT * FROM user_actions 
>    ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
>    LIMIT 1;
> Find all other actions for the same user this way:
>   SELECT * FROM user_actions
>    WHERE uid=:previous_uid AND actionid>:previous_actionid
>    ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
>    LIMIT 1;
> Once you have all records for a single user, advance to the
> next user this way:
>   SELECT * FROM user_actions
>    WHERE uid>:previous_uid
>    ORDER BY uid, actionid, time DESC
>    LIMIT 1
> Repeat until done.  Runtime is O(MlogN) where N is the number
> of rows in the table and M is the number of rows of output.
> Since M is likely much less than N, this approach will be much
> faster.
D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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