Hello michael,

If I was doing that, I'd have another table of nothing but "properties".
Each property would have an integer that represents which object the
property belongs to. In that way, there's no limit to the number of
properties you can assign to an object. In the case of your
parent/child relationships, you're probably going to have to pull the
records all the way up the chain and decide which one overrides the
other programmatically.

I don't think the child necessarily has to have the same list of
properties as the parent (though this depends on your design) I was
thinking the child's property might be the union of the parent and
child's properties with whatever policy you use to resolve cases where
they both have the same property but, different values.

I'm not really an SQL expert either, but in cases where you have an
indeterminate number of values for an item, I tend to think vertical
table structure instead of having a bunch of columns you might or
might not use.


Saturday, January 14, 2006, 12:35:19 PM, you wrote:

mm> Greetings,
mm> I'm a bit new to SQL and SQLite so pardon me if I ask silly
mm> questions but I have run into a bit of a wall while attempting to
mm> design a database for a C++ program I am attempting to write.

mm> The needs of the database are to: represent an object
mm> oriented hierarchy of any number of objects, where each object may
mm> have custom properties of several different datatypes and
mm> permission bits.

mm> The table fields that I have so far are a primary integer key
mm> (ID), text representing the object's name, (NAME), and two fields
mm> "OWNER" and "PARENT" which are integers representing other objects
mm> in this table.

mm> The problem I am running into is the object hierarchy and
mm> custom properties. For example: If object #1 is a parent of object
mm> #2, and #1 has a property named "location" then #2 should also
mm> have that property (although the value and permissions may be
mm> different from the parent).

mm> I'm trying to see if I can do this some way I do not
mm> currently know how, because the only thing I can think of is some
mm> delimited BLOB and recalculate all the parent properties whenever
mm> the parent is changed which I imagine may significently slow down
mm> my database.

mm> Opinions?

mm> Regards,
mm> Michael Munson

Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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