Hello michael,

Since I don't know the details of your design, I can't say. I mean,
what's "immense"? A couple thousand entries, a couple million? If
you're going to use a blob for properties, you might was well not even
use a database. To me, the point of the DB is storage and the ability
to search for things. If properties are opaque to the database and you
never need to search on properties, then a blob might be fine but, why
stick it into a DB in the first place? If you want to be able to query
on property from a set of objects then the blob means you always have
to pull it and parse it out for the properties. Might as well save a
filename in the DB with the name of the blob in it, then read the
filename and then read the data directly off disk.

I'd come up with the best design possible, get it working and not
worry about performance initially. Then if it proves too slow, play
with optimizing it for your purpose. If you can't get it fast enough,
consider a design change.


Saturday, January 14, 2006, 9:33:21 PM, you wrote:

mm> That was my solution I had at first, but since each individual property on
mm> an object, even if it is inherieted from its parent, should be able to have
mm> a unique value (just as if you instantiate a class in C++ the variables can
mm> be modified from between instances.) If I had a master property table it
mm> would have to have a unique entry for every property for every object, which
mm> would quickly get extremely immense, would it not?

>> Hello michael,
>> If I was doing that, I'd have another table of nothing but "properties".
>> Each property would have an integer that represents which object the
>> property belongs to. In that way, there's no limit to the number of
>> properties you can assign to an object. In the case of your
>> parent/child relationships, you're probably going to have to pull the
>> records all the way up the chain and decide which one overrides the
>> other programmatically.

Best regards,
 Teg                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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