"Roger Binns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>      ... But new databases created by
> >>      version 3.3.0 will not be readable by older versions
> >>      of SQLite.  If this is a problem for your application,
> >>      compile SQLite using
> >>
> >>
> >>      and then version 3.3.0 will create new databases in
> >>      the legacy format understood by all prior versions of
> >>      SQLite.  DESC indices only work in the new format.
> Is there any chance that could also be set by a pragma?
> The problem is when supplying binary versions of SQLite,
> it isn't immediately obvious which format to make the
> default and developers can't set it even if they do know
> without recompiling themselves.  I'd imagine the packagers
> for various Linux/BSD distributions will have the same
> problem.

PRAGMA legacy_file_format=ON;

D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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