On Tue, Feb 07, 2006 at 10:04:43AM -0500, Clay Dowling wrote:
> Jim C. Nasby said:
> > Well, that certainly won't help things... at a minimum, on your machine,
> > you should change the following:
> > shared_buffers=10000
> > effective_cache_size=100000
> >
> > The following should also help:
> > work_mem=10000
> > vacuum_cost_delay=50
> > autovacuum=on
> > autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor=0.2
> Jim,
> I just want to say thanks for providing these tuning parameters.  I not
> currently using your product, but I hope to in the near future for a
> larger scale version of my own product.  Performance tuning is something
> of an arcane art from my perspective, so getting any help on it is highly
> desirable.

You're welcome. Just to clarify, PostgreSQL isn't really a Pervasive
product; we just have a bundled installer and offer support and
services, but it's all the same as the community code. When it comes to
tuning, http://www.powerpostgresql.com/PerfList and
http://www.revsys.com/writings/postgresql-performance.html are a couple
places to start looking.

Finally, and luckily this applies to SQLite as well so this doesn't get
too off topic :), PLEASE seek help/advice BEFORE spending a bunch of
money on a big server! All too often I see people who spend a load of $$
on equipment they didn't need or won't be able to utilize because they
didn't do enough research before hand. Granted, I'm biased since I make
money on consulting, but the amount of money I've seen people spend on
needless hardware would often buy a pretty good chunk of my time.
Jim C. Nasby, Sr. Engineering Consultant      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Pervasive Software      http://pervasive.com    work: 512-231-6117
vcard: http://jim.nasby.net/pervasive.vcf       cell: 512-569-9461

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